Rreview summary
(60 Reviews)
Love my Sketchilla ?
The sketchbook is a dream. High quality and clean workmanship. I am very happy to have got one of these sketch books. Attached are still pictures. I would buy again and again. Thank you very much for the effort that goes into the sketchbooks. I will definitely order some more ?❤️
Finally, a big sketchbook! :)
This was my first sketchbook from Koval and it is well made and so lovely big! There is nothing negative. I can say about the binding and the paper. It’s just perfect. ?? as it contains high-quality watercolor paper you can basically use it for quality paintings like you would do on a block.
Love this sketchbook!!
Great Quality
Fabriano Artistico paper is one of best cotton papers ever and Koval binding is also good as well
Nothing short of amazing
I am officially addicted. I just wanted to try a decent watercolor paper sketchbook for once. Watercolor paper is what I do all my art on I like watercolor painting charcoal (Nitram) and oil painting over gesso. Handmade ones on Etsy ehh okay I guess could be better. Really expensive (double the price of Koval) Mid quality usually do not lay flat even if they say they do. Low quality covers and binding. Stilman and Bern okay pretty decent paper rolls with anything other than slightly diluted paint. Moleskin watercolor other than being cheap and big freaking terrible. Really terrible basically useless for me. Charcoal works unless you erase more than once. Any wet media the paper rolls like a cigar so it’s decent large graphite paper which not a big fan of shiny graphite. Koval I have yet to find a flaw super high quality covers and binding obviously whatever paper you are in the mood for. Perfect sizes for me this most recent b5 fabriano one I have carried everyday for a couple months and as you can see from photo is still in perfect condition. I am hard on and abuse my art supplies because I burn thru them really fast being a professional artist.