Here you will find all brand materials that you can freely use. All these materials are under Creative Commons license so you can use them anywhere and for any purpose as long as you link to Koval Sketchbooks website:

If you need more information about our brand you should first look here:

A look inside our sketchbooks

Man behind the product

You can use any photo or video materials you will find on our site. Below you will find some downloadable material.

Koval Sketchbooks Logo:


Koval Sketchbook Logo


Koval Sketchbooks Horizontal Logo



Web Size:

JPG with white bckg:

Koval Logo white bckg

Images (click right / tap and hold "download image" on your device):

Traveler Sketchbook:



Pro Sketcher:


Massimiliano Iocco Sketchbook:



Uma Kelkar Sketchbook:

Uma Kelkar koval Sketchbook  Uma Kelkar Best Sketchbook  Uma Kelkar Signaturet Sketchbook

Various Sketchbooks:

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