To make our handmade sketchbooks we use only best brands watercolour papers.

100% cotton papers become from best European factories and they are: Fabriano Artistico, Arches Aquarelle (old name is Watercolour), Arches Expression and Saunders Waterford.

All those papers are original branded and marked, double-sided, certified, acid free and produced in a traditional process. Their extraordinary hardness and strength make they suitable for various techniques.

Also we use 50% cotton paper which is called Fabriano 5 and it is made from a mixture of cotton and cellulose pulp.  It is a perfect paper for various techniques, especially for guache. It combines the best features of cellulose and cotton paper.

Most of them are come in Cold Pressed option in our sketchbooks, but we offer also sketchbooks with Hot Pressed surface. 

Most artists knows all this cotton papers, but we made some comparison in touch of watercolour for artist who don't choose their favorite brand yet, or just started art journey.


Fabriano Artistico 100% COTTON 300GSM Cold Pressed CP test samples:

fabriano artistico cold pressed test   fabriano artistico cold pressed test   fabriano artistico cold pressed test 03

Fabriano Fabriano5 50% COTTON 300GSM ROUGH test samples:

fabriano5 rough test 01   fabriano5 rough test 02   fabriano5 rough test 03

Arches Watercolour 100% COTTON 300GSM Cold Pressed CP test samples:

Arches Watercolour CP test 001   Arches Watercolour CP test 002   Arches Watercolour CP test 003

Arches Expression 100% COTTON 250GSM Cold Pressed CP test samples:

Arches Expression CP test 01   Arches Expression CP test 02   Arches Expression CP test 03